Singing Guide: Kiki Dee

Singing Guide: Kiki Dee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kiki Dee's Distinct Voice

Kiki Dee has a voice like no other, with a powerful and emotive sound that blends elements of pop, rock, and soul. To learn to sing like Kiki Dee, you need to focus on several elements of your vocal technique, including breath support, range, tone, and the use of emotional expression in your performance.

Breath support and High Notes

One of Kiki Dee's signature vocal features is her powerful, soaring high notes. To achieve this, it's important to work on your breath support, allowing you to control your airflow and hit those high notes with ease. Singing Carrots' breathing basics article is an excellent starting point here, while the Farinelli breathing video teaches you how to breathe like a pro.

Emotions and Expression

Another key aspect of Kiki Dee's voice is her ability to convey raw emotion through her singing. To master this element of her technique, it's important to practice singing not just with your voice, but with your entire body and mind. The singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article provides some great tips on this front, while the relaxing breath video is an excellent resource for learning how to control your emotional state while performing.

Versatility and accuracy

Kiki Dee is also known for her versatility, singing ballads and uptempo rock songs with equal passion and skill. To emulate this aspect of her style, it's a good idea to focus on developing your pitch accuracy, which will help you sing in tune across a variety of genres. Singing Carrot's pitch accuracy test is a great tool for assessing your current skills in this area.

Tone and Vocal Nuances

Finally, to really sound like Kiki Dee, it's important to pay attention to the nuances of her vocal tone. Kiki Dee's music often features a gritty, soulful quality, with a hint of edge to her voice that makes her performances truly memorable. Singing Carrots' article on vocal distortion & growling breaks down the specific techniques used to achieve this sound, while the article on resonance in singing highlights ways to further hone your unique vocal timbre.

With these resources and some dedicated practice, you can begin learning to sing like Kiki Dee, harnessing the power, emotion, and range that make her voice so distinctive.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.